Tag Archives: Learning

Entertainment is the devil

Lately, I’ve been hopping from circus to circus, entertaining party to entertaining party, feeling less and less fulfilled as I go along. Why?

“…because there isn’t enough joy in the House of God we need entertainment. Because entertainment is the devil’s substitute for joy.” – Leonard Ravenhill

Entertainment? The devil’s? Hmmm. And what’s worse is I have a difficult time finding fault with this statement as it relates to the Church body. I know Jesus didn’t call us to live in a monastery-like seclusion to the world, committing our lives to endless suffering. But we waste so much time just keeping ourselves entertained rather than learning, going, serving, or doing anything at all. I think culture has lulled to sleep in this way. Comfort and things. More comfort, more things…An endless cycle I hope we can all break out of.